Review The Old Man And The Sea ( A Novel by Ernest Hemingway)

September 17, 2018

As a fisherman, it is a must to get some fish when we go to the sea. At least one or two. Probably, it is okay in a day we don’t have anything to bring back to home after sailing the ocean. But, what if a fisherman doesn’t get any fish in 84 days? In some areas, he just get a nickname by people around. The Salao. A worst form of unlucky person. Well, hi everyone! That's all about the book which will I share in this moment. The book entitled "The Old Man And The Sea", a good book by an American novelist who is seen as one of the great American 20th century novelists, Ernest Hemingway. 

Well, hi peeps! Welcome.

Overall, “The Old Man And The Sea” talks about a weariness and an autonomous of an old fisherman named Santiago. He lived alone in a coast. One time, he might be faced with the nickname of salao because he couldn’t catch a fish in a long time, which is 84 days. Manolin, the only friend of Santiago, was forbidden to play and go to the sea with Santiago by his parents. The reason was simple, they didn’t want Manolin to be unlucky like the old man. 
With his experiences, Santiago understood what was happening in his environment. He didn’t wonder why someone could change his mind and actions quickly. So that, what happened wont impact his life so much. He continued to live the day as usual, and the most important thing to do as a fisherman, go fishing.
On day 85, he went back to sea. But on that day, he went alone without being accompanied by Manolin, the little boy he had invited to sail and catch fish previously. After waiting long enough, his fishing rod was struck by a very large marlin. Then, what happened next is, he and his boat were dragged by that big fish for a long time. At that moment, many of narratives told about Santiago, and in my opinion, the analogies and philosophies inserted by the author make the story greater. As the result, it’s not easy to guess the end of this story.
To be honest, this novel is one of the best works I have ever read. How not, for the size of a novel with a simple theme, even the thickness of the novel is only about 60 pages. But what is presented in it is so great and have a lot of philosophical values contained.
So, overall, the story from Santiago managed to touch me as a reader. As an old fisherman, he still fights for what he should fight for, even though it will hurt himself.***

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