(Not) My Self

September 19, 2018

I saw my self
When I stood in front of the mirror
Not in my body
He was far behind me
Younger and smaller
His eyes stared sharply
Then a hand covered his face suddenly

I saw my self
When I walked on the city street
Not in my body
He was far in front of me
Bigger and taller
Sat at the end of the street
Among the empty seats
Asked me to be ready
When the wind blew gently

I saw my self
When I laid on the garden
Staring at a star that was alone
Enjoyed the warm conversation
With the wind, grass, and the fishbone
His smile was getting wider
Came over
Closer then ran faster

I am awake
My alarm rings louder
From the mirror on my bookshelf
I see my self
Sleeping at the corner

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