Quarantine: “Thank God”, or “Oh God”?

April 23, 2020

At the time of writing this, my city has slept about a month and half because of a new guest named COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease-19).

When I look back on the early stories of its coming, I couldn't help but think about why this guest came here, to our country? Moreover, it hug the people like an old friend. From the beginning, I knew it was not a good hug, and I knew too that his coming was not a good news. But, people were good enough to pretend like nothing happened.

Well, hi peeps. Welcome!

About my thought, I didn't have to wait long for it to be revealed. Few days from it, the media broadcasted news that there were several cases of citizens who were positively affected by Corona. Started by 1 to 3 cases, then the numbers were increasing rapidly day by day. After that, some appointments have been made. Several parties met to discuss the way forward so that cases of dissemination do not not increase, and some of the results were some schools started to ask their students to study at home, and some companies made a transition for their employees to work from home.

Time flies, and here we all are now. Staying at home all day long. Yup! People have no idea about when this will end so that they can back to a normal life. Some of them are going insane of staying at home, others are fine; they tend to enjoy the period.

For those who used to spend the time outside and had a good social living with a lot of circles, they are missing their friends and the habit so bad. Say they could throw their first and the second weeks to the bin. All of them might feel happy because they could free from the busy world, and got a lot of time to refresh their mind. But next, people will miss the feeling of crossing the bridge with their motorcycle, or driving a car under the street lights. Visiting some coffee shops to have a little talk with friends, or spending the time at their favorite cafe with the best clothes. Office workers? Even the office serves a tense atmosphere, but I know that the conversation and laugh at lunch time could not stop filling their mind. Fight me, but they already miss watching the world go by as they pass the city road.

On the other hand, some people could save their money, do a lot of things that they could not do it before because of their business; reading books, watching movies, gardening, playing games or music instruments, exploring many food recipes, etc. Also, the most important of it is, people become closer to their family. Having some good conversation, gathering for dinner, and watching on television together. Some difficult things to do before. So they feel lucky to have a privilege like this moment, because some people keep working to fight against this Covid-19, or those who trapped in the different city with their family. And I guess, far over here, there are some people who feel alive in this period. They feel better when staying in his room for a long time, with no one around. People who do not feel comfortable standing among the people.

Anyways, talking about quarantine and being isolated, I think we are all good at it as we scrolling our phone, and staring at it for unspecified time. Aren't we? Then why do people act like it is a something new and so torturous to do?

If you ask me about it, either it is good or bad, actually I am not sure about it, because it depends on how we see it. The only thing I am sure about it is... as difficult and stressful this quarantine period, it is such a call for all of us to slow down and think about what matters in our life. Because with the presence or absence of it, the world keeps spinning, and time keeps ticking. 
So, are you thinking what I am thinking?***

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